Syracuse, N.Y. — Syracuse Chancellor Kent Syverud called the offensive words used by Syracuse women’s soccer player Hanna Strong “hate speech” in an e-mail sent out to Syracuse students on Sunday night.
Syverud’s e-mail did not name Strong in the e-mail but referenced a video shared on social media that included offensive comments regarding race and sexuality. Strong has been suspended by the soccer team and identified in stories on and student newspaper The Daily Orange.
“As with everything we do here, our first and most important duty is to our students,” Syverud wrote in an e-mail provided by Syracuse senior vice president for public affairs Kevin Quinn. “All of us who are part of the University have a responsibility to make sure the community our students experience is one that is respectful, safe, and supportive. For that reason, we do not tolerate hate speech, including hate speech directed at a person’s race or sexual orientation.”
Syverud’s e-mail re-iterated a previous statement from athletic director Daryl Gross that the incident is being investigated by the university’s Department of Public Safety and Title IX Office, with results going to the school’s Office of Students Rights and Responsibilities. Strong has been suspended indefinitely from the soccer team but no statement has been made regarding her status as a student.
Syverud said Syracuse plans to hold events to discuss issues of diversity and sensitivity and has asked Vice Chancellor and Provost Eric Spina and Senior Vice President and Dean of Student Affairs Rebecca Reed Kantrowitz to organize them quickly.
“I believe this, and other less visible incidents, presents us with an opportunity to have an open, civil, and frank discussion,” Syverud wrote.
The issues brought a variety of opinions from Syracuse athletes, expressed on social media.
After Syracuse won 3-2 in overtime on Sunday, women’s soccer coach Phil Wheddon said little about the incident.
“I’d rather talk about the players that are here and playing,” he said. “I thought our team gave a very good performance.”
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