Bays’ manager banned from Legion baseball – Green Bay Press Gazette
Longtime Sturgeon Bay Bays manager George Husby, who’s enshrined in two baseball halls of fame and has more than 700 victories on his resume, has been banned from any future involvement with the American Legion baseball program.
The Wisconsin American Legion Baseball Association and the American Legion Department of Wisconsin have “disqualified” Husby because of sportsmanship and character issues, according to an official speaking on behalf of the two organizations.
“I’m not going to go into the circumstances of any game,” said David Kurtz, chief administrative officer for the American Legion Department of Wisconsin. “I will tell you that Mr. Husby was on probation this past year and once before that. He was put on probation because George and the program that he runs doesn’t reflect the good sportsmanship and good character that Legion programs stand for. We received a number of reports throughout the year that the program and conduct of the players did not meet the standards of American Legion baseball.
“It’s paramount that we protect our good name and good reputation before the public, and we cannot sanction activities or behaviors that go against or detract from it.”
Husby — a fixture with the Bays for 49 years, including 39 as manager — said he’s not ready to comment on the matter at this time.
Kurtz said Husby did not attend the Wisconsin American Legion Baseball Association meeting in early October, when his status was discussed. Kurtz notified Husby that he was “disqualified” in a certified letter dated Oct. 22.
“I think it’s important to note that Mr. Husby didn’t attend the meeting,” said Kurtz. “I think that speaks for itself.”
While Kurtz declined to get into specific details regarding incidents involving Husby and his team, it was reported in August that some Sturgeon Bay players displayed poor sportsmanship during the Class AA state tournament in Baraboo.
The Baraboo News Republic reported that Sturgeon Bay players got into a “heated exchange” with Menasha fans following a game and questioned Husby’s ability to control his team. Region 9 Director Ken Larsen told the paper that Sturgeon Bay had other sportsmanship issues throughout the tournament with outbursts in the dugout, smack-talking on the field and multiple umpire warnings.
Husby didn’t deny that some of his players acted inappropriately, but he told the Advocate at the time that they were antagonized by opposing fans.
“I think our kids were forced into it by fans trying to intimidate them,” he said in August. “They were sitting behind the dugout and saying stuff to them; using profanity. We’ve tried all year to stay away from that stuff, and I think we’ve done very well, but you can only take so much of that after a while. It’s disheartening.”
Following the state tournament, one of Sturgeon Bay’s players was banned from participating in the state all-star game and has also since been stripped of his Legion eligibility.
Kurtz said Husby was placed on probation following the 2013 season because of incidents involving poor sportsmanship. That should have been enough, Kurtz said, to prevent further problems.
“Probation basically means that your conduct is being scrutinized,” said Kurtz. “He was on probation all year and then this occurs. End of statement.”
Kurtz said Sturgeon Bay can still participate in American Legion baseball, but Husby can’t be involved. He said a group has contacted him about starting an area team and “we will do everything we can to support them.”
There are more than 200 American Legion baseball teams in Wisconsin, said Kurtz.
Husby, 69, was with the Sturgeon Bay program since 1965 and even started the first Junior Legion team in Wisconsin in the late 1970s. He has 710 victories as the Bays’ manager and is enshrined in the Wisconsin Baseball Coaches Association Hall of Fame and Door County Baseball Hall of Fame. The Volunteer Center of Door County also presented him with its Golden Heart Award in 2011 for lifetime of service.